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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Dell Offering Ubuntu Linux and FreeDOS as alternative operating systems!

Isn't that interesting? Right after Windows Vista comes out, and people can't seem to stop complaining about it, Dell offers an alternative operating system, Ubuntu! For those of you who dont know, or dont read, Ubuntu is THE HOT NEW Linux operating system for consumers. By purchasing a Dell Computer with Ubuntu instead of Windows Vista, it shaves between $50 and $150 off your Dell Computer!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

The San Franciso Chronicle reports that "Some of the biggest computer retailers failed to make the grade in a new survey of Bay Area computer repair shops. CompUSA, Fry's Electronics and Best Buy all scored near the bottom based on overall performance and quality of service."

This is good news for smaller shops. "
independent service businesses of any kind have to depend on satisfying customers and customer referrals more" then the big shops, which mean that people that are unsatisified with the bigger shops, can go to smaller shops, such as Beanstalk Computing in San Diego.

We Shall Return to the Moon! (Compliments of NASA)

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

"Scientists look high in the sky for power : Jet stream could fill global energy needs, researchers say"

"Scientists are eyeing the jet stream, an energy source that rages night and day, 365 days a year, just a few miles above our heads. If they can tap into its fierce winds, the world's entire electrical needs could be met, they say."

Read more of the story...

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Incredible monitor setups

I thought I had it big with my three monitor setup, but 8, 15, even 30 monitors! Check out these incredibly crazy configs...

GreenPrint :: Saving Money Today, Trees tomorrow

GreenPrint eliminates wasteful pages in any printout automatically, saving you time and money, and maybe more importantly, saving trees, reducing greenhouse gasses, and decreasing waste.

GreenPrint does this by analyzing each page of every document sent to the printer and looking for typical waste characteristics (like that last page with just a URL, banner ad, logo, or legal jargon)."