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Thursday, December 15, 2005

Shadow of the Colossus on PS2

Every once in a while a video game comes around that is so fresh, revolutionary, and unique that it is worth playing from beginning to end. Shadow is one of those games. There is no other game like it. The point of the game is to bring down 16 different Colossi spread across a beautiful world. Each level involves you climbing up these huge monsters and finding their weakspot (Usually on their head) and stabbing them until they fall. The game is easy to control, and hard to put down. The graphics are beautiful, although somewhat low resolution becuase of the weak PS2. The sound effects are perfect, from the powerful stomps of these majestic beasts, to the organic sounds of you climbing on the fur of the beast. If you have a PS2, I would highly recommend you playing this game. You can visit the offical website of the game here. Another unique and highly addicting unrelated game to check out on PS2 is Katamari Damacy.Posted by Picasa

Monday, December 12, 2005

I just turned 29 and went back up to San Francisco to visit all my friends and have a birthday party! Friday night I had 3 of my friends DJ at Nickie's BBQ in the lower haight and we all danced and partied throughout the night! Tuesday night, the night of my birthday, I had a small dinner party at Cha Cha Cha's in the Mission. There is one year left of life as I know it! Check out my picture gallery here!