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Thursday, October 21, 2004

Google Desktop Search Released!

You have lots of information on your computer. But do you know how to find it?

Use Google Desktop Search to find:

  • Web pages you've previously seen in Internet Explorer
  • Email you've sent or received via Outlook or Outlook Express
  • IM chats you've had using AOL Instant Messenger (AIM)
  • Files in Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint as well as plain text.

When you look at a web page, read an email, open or edit a file, or have an AIM chat, Google Desktop Search does two things. It indexes that item's content so it can find the item later. It also copies the item's content into its cache, so that you'll be able to find and see long-finished chats and older versions of files and web pages.

Note: After you install the Google Desktop Search tool onto your computer, it needs some time to index the files on your computer, this could take an hour or even longer. You can check the status of the indexing by right clicking on the new Google icon in the lower right hand corner of your taksbar and selecting "Status"

Download the Google Desktop Search tool here