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Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Apple Announces iPhone Today that runs full desktop OSX software.

So I am not really an Apple person, but I am pretty impressed by the new iPhone from Apple. Basically, an 8GB MP3 player, a PDA, a phone, and an internet device all rolled into one, it has a revolutionary user interface. It wont be available until June and is not even FCC approved yet. At $599 for the 8GB version with a 2 year contract with Cingular, it will be very pricey. But if you are gonna pay $300 for a PDA phone, and another $200 for an MP3 player, it doesn't seem so bad.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Virgin Galactic: Book your flight into space now!

So Virgin Galactic was announced, and starting in 2009, you can take a flight into outer space! Of course, you have to put down a refundable deposit of $20,000 and the flight itself is $200,000 but hey, Steven Hawking just signed up! So go ahead, book your flight. You know your worth it, and of course you can afford it, right?