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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Turn Your Cell Phone into a WiFi HotSpot WITHOUT Paying Extra for “Tethering” Services.


If you are a mobile professional and want to be able to get online wherever you are, this is a cheap and easy way to do it!  This product, WmWiFiRouter for Windows Mobile devices is great!  If you already have a Windows Mobile based phone with 3G high speed internet AND WiFi built into it (May I suggest the HTC Fuze from ATT which I just got) and are paying the $30 for Internet on your phone to primarily get your email on your phone why not extend the capabilities of that internet connection to your laptop.  This will save you a load of money because you will not have to purchase the additional “tethering” service from your carrier (Usually $20-$30 additional per month on top of your current phones internet) and you will not have to purchase an additional wireless internet card for your computer from your cell phone provider (Usually $60 per month.) 

I tried out this software with my laptop and my HTC Fuze and it works perfectly, giving me a good 700Mbps to 1Gbps connection, enough to browse the internet quickly and even stream shows from or

Note:  This can also be done on an iPhone but is very complicated, first you have to “JailBreak” your iPhone then hack it even further to get it to work.  Much easier with Windows Mobile.  Not sure about Blackberry…



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