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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Lunar Charger from Ultralast Green

Manufactured by the makers of UltraLast Green Batteries, the Lunar Charger really looks like something from out of this world. It even comes with an intriguing green night light that pulses while charging.

You can charge all your AA or AAA green batteries quickly and efficiently. Measuring a mere 7 inches by 4.2 inches by 4.2 inches, and weighing a mere 8 ounces, this is one charger that is a handy carry-on wherever you go.

It even comes with 4 AA UltraLast Green batteries that have been pre-charged, which means you’re all set from the get-go. You can pick this up from Amazon or many other locations.

It’s all about being green, and as far as environmental concerns and saving the earth is concerned, you can do no better than this charger. Not only will your batteries hold their charge for up to 6 months, if you don’t use them for up to a year, you still can get at least 80% charge. What’s more, you get to charge over and over again up to 500 times, or the equivalent of 3 years.

With just one UltraLast battery, you get to save the earth from having to deal with a thousand regular alkaline batteries. At $29.99, you even get a 3 year Limited Warranty.


Ultralast Green is one of Beanstalk Computings Premier clients.  We have helped manage their IT needs for the last two years.


At 11:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jason does a fantastic job on our IT needs. As the lone Mac user he has fully integrated me into the network without any problems. Everything that I have ever thrown at him he has fixed!


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